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Great Start Special
Hospital + Home consultations

Get off to a great start!
This special package includes 2 consultations:
a Hospital consult and a Home consult.

Highly recommended for first time moms!

The hospital consultation includes:

  • Anticipatory guidance about normal newborn behavior and feeding patterns in the first 3 days of life

  • Finding the breastfeeding position that works best for you and baby while in a hospital bed and recovering from birth/labor

  • Teaching techniques to latch baby deeply.

The home consultation includes the services described in Initial Lactation Consultation.

Why booking a hospital consultation, am I not going to be receiving breastfeeding help at the hospital anyway?

Yes, you absolutely should! And we encourage you to advocate for yourself and request to be seen by a hospital staff with the IBCLC credential.
In an ideal world, there are enough hospital IBCLCs on staff to cover all of the patients’ needs and their rounding schedules coincide with your baby’s readiness to breastfeed.
In reality, the hospital staff may pop up at a time when your baby is sleepy or not interested to breastfeed and may not be able to wait or to come back before the next day.
The IBCLC at Great Start Lactation provides support at the hospital with no time constraint during the first hours following birth to optimize breastfeeding success.

Great Start

Recommended for
first time moms

The Gold Standard in Lactation Care


Great Start Lactation specializes in home consultations and provides compassionate and evidence-based breast/chestfeeding support.
The IBCLC at Great Start Lactation has advanced lactation education and extensive clinical experience to help solve your breast/chestfeeding problems.


What is an IBCLC?


IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) certificants have demonstrated specialized knowledge and clinical expertise in human lactation and are certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE).
They abide by the IBLCE Professional Standards and recertify every five years to maintain competency and be up-to-date.

Wanna know the difference between an IBCLC and a peer counselor, breastfeeding specialist or certificated lactation educator counselor? Check out our FAQ section to learn more.


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Prenatal Consultation

  • Personalized breastfeeding education

  • Anticipatory guidance

  • Health history and anatomical concerns that may impact lactation

Breastfeeding Consultation

  • Complete parental and baby assessments

  • Troubleshooting breastfeeding problems

  • Tailored Plan of Care

Pumping/back to work

  • Plan for stress-free transition

  • Personalized strategies

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